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With the constantly shifting landscape in the world of technology, GameRevolution seeks to provide gamers and tech-enthusiasts with the information they need to select the right products for their needs. Since 1996, our experts have used their knowledge on all the latest gadgets – everything from headphones to standing desks – to help millions of people navigate specs and answer common questions.

The Best Blue Ray DVD Players

Everything is high definition these days, even through streaming sites. But when watching content online, there's often unsightly compression. Blu-Ray discs don't have that problem. Instead, they look pristine, displaying every detail in glorious full resolution. If you're looking for a top-tier Blu-Ray DVD player, look no further. We've curated the best models on the market for your consideration. Keep reading to learn more about them.

The Best Compact Action Cameras

Every year, cameras get smaller and more efficient. Even smartphone cameras can shoot in 4K resolution with high framerates. But to capture fast-paced motion, you'll need an action camera. There is a wide range of options in various price ranges, so we've made this list for your consideration. Read on to learn about the best compact action cameras on the market.

The Best Portable GPS Trackers

With the magic of GPS technology, losing your stuff can be a thing of the past. Using a portable GPS tracker, you can easily find your possessions using your smartphone to guide you. Not only are they more accurate than ever, but they're also incredibly small. Throw one of these in your purse or on a key ring, and suddenly you'll never wonder where you left them. Below, we'll discuss our top picks for the best GPS trackers.

The Best Outlet Extenders

There's nothing worse than too few power outlets. Struggling behind a bed, nightstand, or couch to find an open slot to plug into gets old after a while. That's why we're bringing you this list of the top outlet extenders on the market. Have all of your power within reach and easily accessible with these awesome accessories. Keep reading, and we'll go into further detail.

The Best Bluetooth Earbuds

If you like listening to music but hate the inconvenience of tangled headphones, you may want to consider getting some Bluetooth earbuds. These wire-free marvels first jumped onto the scene over a decade ago, but they’ve been getting more efficient and refined ever since. Now, they’re better quality, longer-lasting, and more affordable than ever. To help you sort through all the options, we’ve narrowed down the top choices on the market to cut down on shopping time and give you the best chance to find the one that’s right for you.

The Best VR Game Systems

Virtual reality has come to the forefront of modern technology and is here to stay. These days there are plenty of great choices for VR headsets, from budget options to full-blown rigs that are increasingly lifelike. Whether you're just getting started or looking to upgrade, you've come to the right place. We've curated the best VR game systems on the market for your consideration. Take a look below for yourself.

The Best VR Headsets

There's nothing like stepping into a virtual world. With a good VR headset, you can be transported to a digital reality where you're the hero. Nowadays, VR headsets are more advanced and affordable than ever. In this article, we've found some of the best models on the market. Keep reading and we'll describe each one in-depth for your consideration.

The Best Water Bottle Stickers

Water bottles are just asking to be adorned with stickers. They're like a blank canvas, ready for you to express yourself with colorful images. But with so many options on the market, it can be hard to choose the right pack. Here, we've simplified the search with a list of our top favorites.